
C2 Solutions for USMC Modernization

July 12, 2024

“The Marine Corps must be organized, trained, and resourced to effectively conduct C2 at echelon and rapidly transition across the competition continuum to enable all-domain joint and combined kill webs. To do this, we must transition from a legacy, air-land battle paradigm to a 21st century, all-domain, joint, single battle mindset.”

—USMC Force Design 2023 Annual Update


The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is updating its operations to make the Marine Corps more agile, resilient, and tech-savvy to face new global challenges. A crucial part of the USMC’s modernization plan centers on improving communications, and this is where REDCOM, a leader in advanced command and control communications solutions, can help.



The Marine Corps seeks to modernize by leveraging emerging technologies and improving communications interoperability. These changes are necessary to ensure the Marine Corps remains effective in complex and contested environments.


Vision and Mission

Vision: To build a technologically advanced Marine Corps capable of rapid deployment and effective operations in diverse terrains with superior communication integration.

Mission: To support the USMC’s modernization goals by providing innovative communication solutions that enhance operational efficiency, secure communication, and interoperability.


REDCOM’s Communication Solutions

REDCOM’s flagship product, Sigma, is a single-platform solution for secure and reliable voice, video, chat, conferencing, and RoIP. The Sigma platform operates across various devices and networks, ensuring seamless communication in diverse and challenging environments.


REDCOM’s key differentiators

  1. Secure Communications
    • Enhanced Encryption: REDCOM Sigma uses advanced encryption protocols to ensure all communications are secure, protecting sensitive information from potential adversaries.
    • Reliable Networks: REDCOM provides robust communication networks that guarantee continuous connectivity, even in contested and remote environments.
  2. Interoperability
    • Multi-Domain Operations: REDCOM solutions facilitate seamless communication across various military branches and allied forces, ensuring coordinated and effective multi-domain operations.
    • Joint Exercises: REDCOM supports interoperability during joint exercises and missions, enhancing coordination and operational effectiveness.
  3. Operational Flexibility and Mobility
    • Portable Solutions: REDCOM’s communication platforms are easily deployable and scalable to meet the demands of various mission requirements.
    • Rapid Deployment: REDCOM enables quick setup and efficient communication during rapid deployment and operations in diverse environments.


How REDCOM can help the USMC


Littoral Operations

Secure Communication: REDCOM provides reliable and secure communication channels for Marine Littoral Regiments (MLRs) operating in littoral zones, ensuring mission success in dynamic and contested environments.

Enhanced Coordination: REDCOM facilitates effective coordination between units during littoral operations, supporting the USMC’s strategic objectives.


Island Chain Hopping

Operational Agility: REDCOM’s advanced communication solutions support the rapid movement and deployment of Marine units across island chains, ensuring continuous and effective operations.

Strategic Connectivity: REDCOM ensures secure and reliable communication links between dispersed units, enhancing operational coherence and effectiveness.


Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO)

Scalable Networks: REDCOM provides scalable and flexible communication networks that support the establishment and operation of expeditionary advanced bases.

Integrated Systems: REDCOM integrates communication systems with other technologies to support EABO, ensuring comprehensive situational awareness and operational control.


Network On The Move (NOTM) Operations

Continuous Connectivity: REDCOM supports NOTM operations with advanced mobile communication solutions that ensure continuous, secure connectivity for the USMC while on the move. This capability is vital for maintaining command and control during dynamic operations.

Platform Versatility: REDCOM’s solutions are designed for adaptability across various mobile platforms, providing reliable communication for vehicles and aircraft. This versatility ensures that communication remains robust and seamless in all operational environments.


Command Operations Center (COC) Configurations

Adaptive Configurations: REDCOM’s solutions enable the flexible reconfiguration of Command Operations Centers (COCs) to meet evolving mission requirements. This flexibility is essential for the USMC to maintain effective command and control in rapidly changing operational scenarios.

Enhanced Awareness: REDCOM enhances situational awareness within COCs by integrating advanced communication systems that deliver real-time data and secure communication channels. This integration ensures that decision-makers have the information they need to execute missions effectively.


Amphibious Operations During Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs)

Seamless Transition to LFOCs: REDCOM’s solutions support amphibious operations by ensuring reliable and secure communication for MEUs as they transition into Landing Force Operations Centers (LFOCs). This support facilitates seamless operations from sea to shore, enhancing mission success.

Operational Coordination: REDCOM enhances operational support for amphibious operations, ensuring effective coordination and communication during landing and subsequent missions. This capability ensures that all units involved in the operation can communicate efficiently, improving overall mission effectiveness.

Future Outlook

As the Marine Corps continues its modernization initiatives, REDCOM’s role will likely expand. REDCOM will provide critical support in achieving a modernized, agile, and technologically superior force. The company’s commitment to advancing its communication solutions will help the Marine Corps effectively meet future challenges and maintain its strategic edge. REDCOM is proud to support the Marine Corps in building a force capable of thriving in complex, contested environments with technology that enhances interoperability, mobility, and operational flexibility.