ARC-210 Radio Interoperability with Sigma XRI


REDCOM’s Sigma XRI is fully interoperable with Collins Aerospace ARC-210 and AR-1500 radios. The ARC-210 radio is widely used in military aircraft and provides UHF, VHF, and SATCOM network capabilities. The XRI can crossband the unique electronic voice interface for both radios, providing warfighters with new, previously impossible, communication networks.

The Challenge

Establishing communications links between Operations Centers and units in austere environments requires lots of pre-planning and additional equipment. This can lead to unnecessary stress on the warfighters through additional weight requirements, maintenance costs, and lengthy setup processes that slow down the flow of information.

Current Solution

There are two means of connecting ground and aircraft with the ARC-210 and AR-1500 radios.

The first is a relay system between the air operations center (AOC) and the warfighters. This method is inconvenient as operators in the AOC have to relay requests and status updates between two disparate networks, wasting time and effort.

The second is to utilize a Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS). SINCGARS are VHF radios that are interoperable with the ARC-210. This solution requires a warfighter to carry an additional radio that must be set down to use.

The REDCOM Solution

By crossbanding these airborne radios with the radios at the division level, warfighters can communicate with close air support (CAS) and the AOC more efficiently, reducing the time it takes to relay information and improving operational capacity. Utilizing the XRI will also allow communication between aircraft and division level without a SINCGARS radio, allowing warfighters to carry less equipment and maintain comms while mobilizing.