The importance of resiliency and redundancy on the battlefield

A recent article on the Breaking Defense website reports that the U.S. keeps losing — hard — in simulated wars with Russia and China. In these simulations, our enemies don’t just sink ships and burn bases. They knock out America’s nerve center by hacking, jamming, or ultimately destroying our communications satellites, wireless networks, data networks, and command-and-control systems. The U.S. spends more on defense than the next seven countries combined, and yet knocking out our communications network effectively cripples our ability to respond.

The answer isn’t necessarily the development of more new technology; rather, we need to look at redeploying and optimizing the systems we already have.

Survival in the cyber domain against a peer competitor will require the ability to leverage multiple communication paths while retaining resiliency and redundancy that support command and control in distributed and disruptive operating environments.

At REDCOM, we engineer our solutions to do just that. Incorporating the newest technology into our product set while retaining our ability to seamlessly move between various communication systems (IP, TDM, Analog, & RF) provides the operational flexibility our formations will need on tomorrow’s battlefields. This approach also allows us to solve interoperability challenges at the tactical level while providing cyber-related offsets that support multiple communication options when operating in the  denied, limited, and intermittent communications environment.