TDC-ICAP stands for Theater Deployable Communications – Integrated Communications Access Packages. REDCOM worked with the U.S. Air Force as part of this program to upgrade the Air Force’s deployable communications infrastructure.
TDC is a state-of-the-art flexible and portable communications system for the United States Air Force that allows units to send and receive secure voice, data, and video messages via wired and satellite infrastructure. The TDC-ICAP program utilizes solutions approved by DISA in order to ensure interoperability with existing U.S. Air Force systems.
The Challenge
In 1996 the U.S. Air Force began searching for a replacement for legacy Tri-Tac networks. They sought a simpler, more efficient solution that was interoperable with coalition partners overseas. The U.S. Air Force needed to increase mission efficiency and reduce setup time.
The U.S. Air Force prepared to overhaul their architecture and began looking for solutions from multiple vendors. They needed to greatly reduce the size of their communications gear and power requirements while maintaining interoperability with all existing interfaces. Any new solution also had to work with MLPP (Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption) on the Defense Switched Network.
The REDCOM Solution
Theater Deployed Communications must be constant, reliable, rugged, and man-portable. This led REDCOM to adapt our IGX product to the tactical environment. To meet new interoperability requirements, we expanded our hardware with new ports and cards and added special features to our software. We encased the entire product in a ruggedized transit case, designed to withstand the heat, humidity, and vibration of airborne or terrestrial transport.
We also made sure our products could quickly “stack” together, enabling the Air Force to connect multiple systems together to instantly form one large system. These systems could be torn down and moved to other deployments at any time, greatly enhancing operational flexibility.
REDCOM Tactical Communications Packages during the final inspection before shipping out to the United States Air Force.
REDCOM has cemented itself as a supplier of tactical communications gear to the Air Force due to our ability to deliver on our promises. The REDCOM solution exceeded the requirements of the U.S. Air Force, leading us to fulfill multiple contracts. Much of our equipment is still in use to this day.
In order to stay up-to-date with the latest security requirements, REDCOM maintains DISA validation with the SLICE® and HDX platforms fielded by TDC as well as our next-generation software products, Sigma® and REDCOM Secure Client.
We continue to work closely with the program office at Hanscom Air Force Base to ensure the highest level of support to fielded units, and to ensure we are responding to emerging requirements. We supply the program office with the latest versions of Sigma and REDCOM Secure Clients for validation and early training purposes, and for feedback to be used as part of future REDCOM software development.
The Future
REDCOM is proud to continue working with the Air Force on the next generation of the TDC program, continuing to reduce the SWaP (size, weight, and power) of forward-deployed communications. REDCOM Sigma has been selected as the software-based Unified Communications platform for TDC’s Small Communications Package (SCP) and we have been working closely with the program office supporting their Authority to Operate with DISA. We look forward to a continued strong relationship with the US Air Force and working together to meet the needs of American warfighters.