Secure Voice Conferencing at the Government Level

Secure voice conferencing beyond mass market soluitonsSecure voice conferencing solutions are becoming increasingly important as the way we work and collaborate evolves with more companies and government agencies adopting remote work policies. Many of these organizations have and implemented widely available commercial conferencing tools to accommodate, but the security of these mass-market conferencing solutions may not be sufficient when it comes to certain government agencies, defense contractors, and even enterprises with proprietary information. For these groups, a more secure voice conferencing solution is required, especially if NSA ACC compliance is a prerequisite.

Levels of Secure Voice Conferencing

The security requirement of the given organization will ultimately determine the correct voice conferencing platform for their needs. For example, the solution for a government agency requiring TLS/SRTP secure talk paths will differ from a government contractor requiring a Type-1 secure gateway.

TLS/SRTP Secure Voice Conferencing with Robust User Interface

Secure Voice Conferencing with REDCOM Sigma and Conference ManagerWhen organizations need secure voice conferencing beyond mass-market solutions, they often sacrifice functionality for security. REDCOM Sigma enhanced with the REDCOM Conference Manager departs from this rule through an unparalleled combination of security and user features.

For sensitive communications that demand a secure connection, the REDCOM solution generates secure voice paths via TLS/SRTP, supports multiple levels of access control by user ID, ANI, PIN, or clearance level, and provides flexible conferee screening.

Beyond powerful security tools, the conference manager provides robust conference control such as joining or splitting active conferences, creating sub-conferences for select members, muting attendees, temporarily excluding certain attendees from hearing audio, operator video switching, and more.

ACC-Compliant Type-1 Secure Voice Conferencing

Organizations that require reliable access between secure and non-secure networks using a Type 1 gateway device or a Type 1 conferencing solution do not have many options at hand.

In partnership with General Dynamics Mission Systems, REDCOM developed the Secure Voice Gateway (SVG). The REDCOM SVG implements a REDCOM HDX powered by the new and proprietary REDCOM Secure Device Interface (SDI) board and standard  General Dynamics Sectéra® vIPer™ Phones. Conferencing is enabled through the REDCOM HDX as the vIPer phones act as TDM, SIP, or SCCP voice encryptors. For added conferencing features such as security clearance level, request for attention, splitting active conferences, and more, the REDCOM HDX can be augmented with REDCOM Sigma and the REDCOM Conference Manager.

Advanced Cryptographic Capabilities (ACC) Compliant REDCOM Secure Voice Gateway for Secure Voice Conferencing


Sensitive communications related to national security and trade secrets cannot be left to software hosted on an unknown server, especially in an age where each month there seems to be news of another mass data breach. REDCOM supplies multiple options for secure voice conferencing to cover even organizations requiring the highest levels of security. To learn which solutions are best for your organization, contact or fill out the form below.

 Contact a REDCOM expert about our Secure Voice Conferencing Solutions

Totsline, Jerry

About the Author

Jerry Totsline is the Government Solutions Manager for REDCOM Laboratories and possesses a wide range of experiences at REDCOM and a well-rounded knowledge of the company’s products, developing technologies, and government requirements.