REDCOM HDX and SLICE Family of Products continue UC Approved Product listing with latest JITC certified software release

REDCOM® today announced that its enhanced Version 4.0AR3PD software, for use with the High Density Exchange (HDX) and SLICE® family of products, has been placed on the DISA Unified Capabilities (UC) Approved Products List (APL) and certified for use as a Local Session Controller (LSC).

In order to be placed on the UC APL, products must be carefully evaluated and achieve certification for information assurance (IA) and interoperability (IO) by the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC). REDCOM’s latest LSC certification will remain in effect into 2018.

REDCOM’s TRANSip® technology — together with Teo® IP phones, Polycom RealPresence Group Series video phones, and REDCOM Sigma® for Windows desktop client — delivers powerful capabilities highly relevant to the military, support for the Assured Services Session Initiation Protocol (AS-SIP), IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption (MLPP), seamless converged TDM/IP interoperability, and secure communications via V.150.1.

In accordance with the requirements for DISA to accommodate the latest Certificate Authority (CA) changes with RFC 2253, V4.0R3PD is now flexible enough to allow the certificate subject name in a different order than previously specified. This new security conformance feature demonstrates REDCOM’s ability respond quickly and effectively to evolving requirements.