REDCOM Call Control Portfolio Recertified by DoD’s Joint Interoperability Test Command

REDCOM® today announced that three of its products focused on Cyber Security (CS) and Interoperable (I/O) communications have been officially recertified by the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and placed on the Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (APL).

HDX V4.0AR5P0, SLICE® V4.0AR5P0, and Sigma® Core 2.0.3 have all been carefully evaluated and approved as Local Session Controllers (LSC). All three products deliver powerful capabilities highly relevant to the military, including support for the Assured Services Session Initiation Protocol (AS-SIP), IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption (MLPP), conferencing, and secure communications.

HDX and SLICE® are REDCOM’s hybrid hardware platforms that enable seamless interoperability between IP, TDM, and radio networks. Sigma Core is REDCOM’s flagship military-grade software call control platform that delivers robust call control, media handling, and encrypted communications.

REDCOM systems can function as a stand-alone Local Session Controller (LSC) or as an adjunct to an existing Enterprise Session Controller (ESC) to deliver advanced voice services such as transcoding and conferencing for red and black networks.