REDCOM Sigma Client

Secure C2 comms app for Windows, ATAK, & Android

Sigma Client for ATAK and Windows on laptop and smartphone

Product Overview

REDCOM Sigma® Client is a C2 softphone with robust voice, video, and chat support. When coupled with the REDCOM Sigma® C2 Software platform, the REDCOM Sigma Client delivers instantaneous communications to users at the tactical edge. The REDCOM Sigma Client is available on Windows, ATAK, and Android platforms.

Sigma Client Key Benefits

Communicate Immediately Across Channels

Sigma Client provides users with ad-hoc and preconfigured channels to set up talk groups quickly and efficiently before and during an operation. 

Laptop communication channels
Truck next to a tent with text chat

Chat Optimized for the Tactical Edge

Sigma Client includes a unified chat via XMPP and IRC protocols, meaning users no longer require multiple chat clients, cutting down on the number of devices and applications a user needs to keep track of.  

Persistent Push-to-Talk Communications

REDCOM Sigma is a complete software-based Command & Control platform with voice, video, and chat. Sigma® XRI adds interoperability across radio nets. The REDCOM Sigma Client extends Sigma’s powerful interoperability to Windows, Android, and ATAK devices, enabling them to instantly communicate via PTT with any user or device on the tactical network.

Two handheld radios connected to C2 in a circle
Laptop with C2 in a hexagon connected to a lightbulb and a padlock

Security and Redundancy

Protect critical communications by taking advantage of Sigma Client’s powerful 2048-bit RSA encryption for voice, video, and chat. The REDCOM Sigma Client for Android™ also features FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption.