News from REDCOM

Company announcements, blogs, and thought leadership

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Extending C2 capabilities with REDCOM Sigma and TSM Waveform Interoperability

Introducing Sigma® 3.1, a major new release of REDCOM’s C2 software

Are your multi-party secure comms ACC compliant?

REDCOM announces ZKX Solutions, a new business unit focusing on authentication for Zero Trust networks

Tactical chat improvements

REDCOM secure client: improving tactical chat through new features 

REDCOM President and CEO selected by RBJ for Power 50 Technology

Soldiers Helos In Desert

Recap of REDCOM at TSOA-ID

REDCOM launches the first release of ZKX, cybersecurity authentication software built for Zero Trust government and military networks

REDCOM Attends FIDAE 2022

Public Safety Communications- CRISIS RESPONSE


Tactical Edge Communications from REDCOM

REDCOM Participating in Tri-Service Open Architecture Interoperability Demonstration

Staying Connected in Crisis: Enabling C2 Comms in a Tactical Domain