Air Force Research Laboratory Tests REDCOM Technology

REDCOM’s flagship Sigma® call control software has been successfully installed and tested by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in conjunction with cross-domain VoIP and video solution from AFRL and Trident Systems. V2CDS is an accredited transfer guard enabling secure, confidential voice and video communication.

Employee Feature: Collin Sweeney

With October the official month of cybersecurity awareness, REDCOM is proud to feature one of its Cybersecurity Researchers, Collin Sweeney.

REDCOM successfully demonstrates interoperability with Software Defined Radio technology at Air Force Research Labs

REDCOM Laboratories Inc., a leading developer of advanced communications solutions, has successfully completed extensive interoperability testing following a week-long exercise at the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in Rome, NY and Stockbridge, NY. The exercise involved multiple test scenarios leveraging the AFRL high-capacity software-defined radio (SDR) network, a flexible, high capacity network running on Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) hardware.

Quality Engineer Lauren Iuranich wins Millennials in Manufacturing Award


Lauren Iuranich, a Quality Engineer for REDCOM EMS, has won FuzeHub’s top Millenials in Manufacturing Award for 2019. Since joining the REDCOM EMS team, Lauren has become a vital asset in paving the way forward to manufacturing growth and success, and she is being recognized for her contributions!

REDCOM announces partnership and reseller agreement with Mykrodyne

REDCOM Laboratories Inc. is pleased to announce a partnership and reseller agreement with Mykrodyne, a subsidiary of Intergraph Corporation. Mykrodyne will be reselling the entire portfolio of REDCOM products. Given the already intense Hurricane season in the Caribbean this year, of particular interest to Mykrodyne and potential customers is REDCOM’s solution set for disaster recovery communications.

Courtney Stiles Accepted into Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce CLIMB Program

At REDCOM, we think it’s important to recognize our employees for the work that they do within their roles, as well as the positive impact they make within the community. With her desire to learn and her ability to connect with those around her, Government Account Manager, Courtney Stiles has been accepted into the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce CLIMB Program.

REDCOM EMS completes AS9100D aerospace certification

REDCOM EMS has achieved AS9100D:2016 certification for its Quality Management System. AS9100D:2016 is a standardized quality management and quality assurance system developed for the specialized requirements of the aviation, space, and defense industries. The successful completion of the audit and certification to the international aerospace quality standard signifies REDCOM EMS’s commitment to meeting stringent customer requirements.