REDCOM takes a holistic, multi-layer approach to security that goes beyond typical measures such as encryption and validation. Take a look at our Secured Communications paper that discusses REDCOM’s stance on overall mission security, which necessitates a strong focus on encryption, resiliency, interoperability, and ease of use. Take a look at part one of our Securing the Mission Series: Technology, and part two: Resiliency.
Military and public safety operations are typically joint, requiring the command and control systems of multiple services to work together effectively. System interoperability is a force multiplier for command and control systems. In these situations, commanders constantly consider how technology might affect the unit’s ability to communicate within their jurisdiction, with neighboring agencies, and with federal partners.
REDCOM solutions align with the ongoing modernization efforts of global military and defense forces that demand interoperability with both legacy and emerging technologies. REDCOM solutions are:
- Interoperable with coalition forces. The lack of a single coalition network or standard has been a longtime challenge. Each environment often has different requirements, baselines, and standards to suit each partner nation’s various demands, missions, and capabilities. REDCOM technology can integrate with any of these environments to deliver true interoperability between joint and coalition forces.
- Standards-based. REDCOM products are designed to open standards, which enables our customers to reuse existing endpoints without being forced to rip and replace. Interoperability testing — both in-house and at JITC — ensures our products maintain compatibility with both legacy and emerging technologies.
- Technology-agnostic. REDCOM can connect to a wide range of interfaces, protocols, and endpoints, from legacy systems (such as magneto lines) to today’s over-the-top voice solutions (such as LTE and 5G). As leaders in SIP development, REDCOM can seamlessly connect various SIP networks that have different interpretations of the spec.
Want to know more about REDCOM’s stance on securing the mission at the tactical edge? Check out a recent webinar, hosted by REDCOM Government Account Manager, Courtney Stiles.